Erik Sille is one of the most significant protagonists of Slovak painting. His creation has been rapidly profiled as early as during the first years of his studies (VŠVU, Bratislava), when he ranged himself among the first “stars“ of the painting revival connected mainly with the appearance of the IV. atelier led by Ivan Csudai.
Sille´s painting consistently and systematically represents his own artistic voice with initial stimulation in visual particularities of pop-culture, comics and street-art. Dominant recognitory feature of his creative language is a strong influence by the digital image processing which is so precise that it even reminds us of the graphic design. Yet he never falls out of his free painting creativity. In spite of the impression of the “clarified“ surfaces, a gesture is extremely important for him, frequently it even makes the essential moment of his final expression.
With a little pathetic enthusiasm for a good thing, we can also search for small moral lessons in his paintings, in the sense of remitting to bigger or smaller sins of consumer life. His intentions are a bit more captious – criticism is mixed with admiration, negation of one phenomenon is mixed with creation of its other variant (even more exposed) and all this is present in resonant colors and motives. Predominantly, there is always a scent of sarcastic humor. Despite of deliberate impression of particular distance and insight, his paintings are in essence highly personal artistic expressions. They get what they deserve... ?

1978 Born in Rožňava, Slovakia and Lives and Works in Bratislava
2000 – 2006 Academy of Fine Arts Bratislava (4th studio of prof. Ivan Csudai), SK
solo exhibitions
2017 - Vitra Collector’s Lounge, DSC Gallery, Praha, CZ
2017 - Error, Kunsthalle, Bratislava, SK
2016 - Erik Šille, ODD Gallery, Badung, Bali, Indonesia
2016 - Nature 2.0, with Heike Schäfer, Kro art gallery, Vienna , AT
2015 - Anatomy of Quandary, Krokus gallery, Bratislava, SK
2015 - Finally with Boris Sirka, Ateliér XIII, Bratislava, SK
2015 - Sleeping water II., Schemnitz gallery, Banská Štiavnica, SK
2015 - Nestálosť molekúl /Petr Kvíčala-Erik šille/ kasárne/kulturpark, Košice, SK
2015 - Sleeping water, Galéria Plusmínusnula, Žilina, SK
2013 - Booom, Gallery Dea Orh , Praha, CZ
2013 - Made in Japan, Krokus galéria, Bratislava, SK
2013 - Strategy, Gmab Trenčín, Trenčín, SK
2013 - The adventures of Junshi and Stillborn, Youkobo art space, Tokyo, Japan
2012 - Erik Šille – welcome to our city, Stredoslovenská galéria, Banská Bystrica, SK
2012 - From time to time, from shore to shore, Industrial Gallery Ostrava, CZ
2011 - Alchýmia vandráctva, turčianska galéria, Martin, SK
2011 - Noir wellness,Krokus gallery, Bratislava, SK
2010 - Erik Šille, Wannieck Gallery Brno, CZ
2010 - Erik Šille, Another country , Galérie Sýpka, Valašské Meziříčí, CZ
2009 - e.s. wird hell, Krokus Galéria Bratislava, SK
2009 - Work and play ( s/ with D. Baffi), Galéria umenia Nové Zámky, SK
2008 - Erik Šille. New world pictures, Galéria SLSP, Bratislava, SK
2008 - Paintings feels better than we do, Galérie Blansko, CZ
2008 - Horor Vacui (s/ with M. Czinege), Slovak Institute Rom, IT
2008 - a. balanced, Múzeum Vojtecha Löfflera, Košice, SK
2007 - Birds resonance, Bastart Gallery Bratislava, SK
group exhibitions
2017 - Failings Before Final, Dot Gallery, Bratislava , Sk
2016 - 10 years of Painting, Gallerie d´Italia, Milan, IT
2016 - Summer exhibition, Krokus Bratislava, SK
2015 - 10 years of Painting, Central Slovakian Gallery, Banská Bystrica, SK
2015 - RESET.XI. Trienalle of small object and drawin, The Gallery of Jozef Kollár, Banská Štiavnica, SK
2015 - a touch of California, Nástupište 1 – 12, Topolčany, SK
2015 - Radials of Rožňava – Posledný zhasne, The Art Gallery of Mining museum, Rožňava, SK
2014 - I came, i saw.. Apricity Gallery, Tannery Arts Center, Santa Cruz, Ca, USA
2014 - Summer exhibition, Krokus Bratislava, SK
2013 - Zero years, FREIES MUSEUM BERLIN, Berlin, DE
2013 - Bienale of painting IV ?. Mestská galéria, Rimavská sobota, SK
2013 - Triko, Triennale of contemporary image, Východoslovenské múzeum, Košice, SK
2013 - Rožňavské radiály - Traja z jedného mesta, Galéria Baníckeho múzea, Rožňava, SK
2013 - Podozrivý volný čas, Open gallery, Bratislava, SK
2012 - OLTÁRE SÚČASNOSTI – SÚČASNÉ OLTÁRE, Turčianska galéria, Martin, SK
2012 - summer exhibition in krokus gallery, Bratislava, SK
2012 - ObraSKov – contemporary slovak paintings, Tatranská galéria, Poprad, SK
2011 - Punctum, Gallery 19, Bratislava, SK
2011 - ObraSKov, Wannieck Gallery Brno, CZ
2011 - summer exhibition 2011, Krokus Galéria, SK
2010 - Painting after painting, Slovenská národná galéria, SK
2010 - Selfportraits, Krokus Galéria, SK
2010 - Faunetic-Faunethic-Faunatic, Kro Art Gallery Vienna, AT
2010 - Entdeckung der Langsamkeit, Kro Art Gallery Vienna, AT
2010 - Formate der Transformation 89-09, MUSA Wien, AT
2009 - Formáty transformace 89-09, Dům umění Brno, CZ
2009 - Contemporary drawing, Košice /Praha/Budapešť, Kulturpark Košice SK
2009 - Laureates of Zlín Youth Salon , KGVU Zlín, CZ
2009 - Selection 11.1, Galérie Václava Špály Praha, CZ
2009 - 11 + 1, Dom umenia Bratislava, SK
2009 - donumenta 2009, Perfect Asymmetry, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg, DE
2009 - VÚB Painting, Dvorana Ministerstva Kultúry SR, Bratislava, SK
2008 - Spleen & ideal, Karlín studios, Praha, CZ
2008 - „2 dollar 4 all we are so small“, Bastart Gallery Bratislava, SK
2008 - ITCA 2008 - International Triennial of Contemporary Art, National gallery Prague, CZ
2008 - Im Herzen Europas, Kulturzentrum Englische Kirche Bad Homburg, DE
2008 - From east to west, Východoslovenská Galéria Košice, SK
2008 - CZ – SK: Young Contemporary Painting, Wannieck gallery Brno, CZ
2007 - Triennial of painting, Gallery BWA Rzeszów, POL
2007 - PitoreSKa, Wannieck Gallery Brno, CZ
2007 - Triennial of painting, Museum Tarii Crisurilor Oradea, RO
2007 - Spleen & ideal, Galerie Brno, CZ
2007 - Skúter – Bienniale of young slovak art, Jan Koniarek Gallery Trnava, SK
2007 - PRAGUEBIENNALE 3, Karlín studios Praha, CZ
2007 - The Most Curatorial Bienniale of the Universe, apexart, NY, USA
2007 - Triennial of painting, Deri Museum Debrecen, HU
2007 - K.O. MIX, Nitrianska Galéria Nitra, SK
2007 - Vitamin Painting, Bastart Contemporary Bratislava, SK
2006 - Zlin Youth Salon , KGVU Zlín, CZ
2006 - City X, Galéria Jána Koniarka Trnava, SK
2006 - “Contemporary Art from Slovakia” European central bank Frankfurt am Main, DE
2006 - Fresh Europe Art, KOGART, Budapest, HU / Brusel, BEL
2005 - Forever Hungry, Tranzit Bratislava, SK
2005 - Draft , Považská galéria umenia Žilina, SK
2005 - Draft, U zlatého prstenu Praha, CZ
2005 - Aspiration to eternity, Moravská galérie Brno, CZ
2004 - Trip na tri III. Štátna galéria Banská Bystrica, SK
2004 - Public Order, Galéria mesta Bratislava, SK
2004 - Evolution, Východoslovenská galéria Košice, SK
2004 - Close encounter of the third kind, Galéria Medium Bratislava, SK
2010 - Young artist laureate of Tatra Bank Fund
2009 - 1st place on the VÚB Painting
2006 - 3rd place on the VUB Painting
2006 - IV. Zlín Youth Salon , CZ
2016 - Slowpunch, Canggu, Bali, Indonesia
2014 - Tannery arts center, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
2013 - Youkobo art space , Tokyo, Japan januar - marec
2012 - Banska Stiavnica 6 x 9 , jul