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Eva Cincalova’s “borrowing” of certain principles while creating a painting in direct reaction to a chosen interpretation of themes enriches her own experience and emphasizes her intent. The interventions having such nature of expression become necessary pre-qualifications for the reaction to the method of the artistic apprehension. This meeting with the medium may lead Eva Cincalova to more self-confident expression. Thus a confrontation occurs which sometimes leads to an overcomplicated language of painting. One’s experience or ability of self-reflection itself plays a great role here. It won’t be a random deliberation. In many ways, this is the most important element in the creation of the possibilities of the expression and appropriation of one’s own abilities.
This “conflict” of interests, determined by our necessary concentration of ourselves in optimal moments can lead to surprising solutions. Thus we will have the opportunity to see their endlessness. How far we will be able to see depends on us.

eva cincalova studio

1982 Born in Považská Bystrica

1996 – 2000 Secondary Industrial School of Clothing Production Trenčín, field of study: fashion design

2002 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava

2002 – 2009 Department of Painting and Other Media in h 4th Studio under professor Ivan Csudai

2008 Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonézia

solo exhibitions

2018  Aquareality, Slávica, Bratislava

2015  Insider, Schemnitz gallery, Banská Štiavnica

2013  ARCHÍV 2, Artotéka gallery, Bratislava

2013  ARCHÍV, Flatgallery, Bratislava

2011  Back to the Dreamland, Cabinet, Bratislava

2010  Painting in the Movement, Nivy Cultural Cener, Bratislava

2009  Secret, Province House, Púchov

2008  Bonjour 2008, Bratislava

2007  Bonjour 2007, Bratislava

2005  Province House, Púchov

2005  Somersault Following a Good Hit
2005  Mikloško Home Design, Bratislava

group exhibitions

2018  Vytvorené na Slovensku u Bazovského, M. A. Bazovský gallery, Trenčín

2018  Imago Mundi, Salone degli incanti, Trieste, IT

2018  More than 30…, Zoya gallery, Modra

2017  Winter selection, Flatgallery, Bratislava

2017  Intervencie VI, galéria Koniareň, Trebišov

2016  Biela noc, Bratislava

2016  Vytvorené na Slovensku- Fulla, Galéria Ľudovíta Fullu, Ružomberok

2016  Decembrové stopy, Galéria ČinČin, Bratislava2016 - DOTeraz, DOT Gallery, Bratislava2016 - Slovenská maľba, Galeria l’Italia, Milano, Italy2016 - Pamäť Prelud Predstava, Galerie kritikú. Palác Adria, Praha2015 - Výstava desaťročia, Bratislavský hrad, Bratislava2015 - Maľba, Východoslovenská Galéria, Košice2015 - Decembrové stopy, Galéria ČinČin, Bratislava2015 - Výstava desaťročia, Stredoslovenská Galéria, Banská Bystrica2015 - Selection 3, Schemnitz Gallery, Banská Štiavnica2014 - New Perspectives: Young Slovak Artist, Stilwerk, Vienna2014 - Decembrové stopy, galéria Čin Čin, Bratislava2014 - Winter selection, Flatgallery, Bratislava2014 - Selection 2, Schemnitz Gallery, Banská Štiavnica2013 - WINTER SELECTION 2, Flatgallery, Bratislava2013 - Christmas bazART, Magna gallery, Piešťany2013 - Art Follows You 2013, Afy gallery, Prague2012 - Danube Biennale, Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Čunovo2012 - BAAF, Crowne plaza, Bratislava2012 - Invisible Štiavnica, Public Art Project, Banská Štiavnica
2011  Painting 2011, VUB, Lobby of the Ministry of Culture of the SR, Bratislava

2011  Ace and Snowdrops, Province House, Púchov

2011  Painting, Orava Regional Gallery, Dolný Kubín

2011  House of Terror, Fru Fru Gallery, Bratislava

2010  Painting in the Movement, Nivy Cultural Center, Bratislava

2009  Christmas Exhibition, Space Gallery, Bratislava

2009  Concert for Those Observant, PKO Bratislava

2009  Painting 2009, VUB, Lobby of the Ministry of Culture of the SR, Bratislava

2009  Small Scale, Kressling gallery, Bratislava

2007  KEBABB, c2c Gallery, Prague2009 - 11+1, Dom umenia, Bratislava

2007  Find Ten Differences, SPACE, Bratislava

2006  100% off, Bastart, Bratislava2007 - Survey, Považie Regional Gallery, Žilina

2006  Bazaar, SPACE, Bratislava

2006  Paiting 2006, VUB, Klarisky Church, Bratislava

2006  A Breath of Fresh Air in Contemporary Slovak Painting, Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň, Liptovský Mikuláš

2005  A Breath of Fresh Air in Contemporary Slovak Painting 2000 – 2005, The Golden Ring House Gallery, Prague2006 - Illusions – I. Žírková, M. Kianička, E. Činčalová, Turiec Regional Gallery, Martin

2005  A Breath of Fresh Air in Contemporary Slovak Painting 2000 – 2005, Banská Bystrica

2005  A Breath of Fresh Air in Contemporary Slovak Painting 2000 – 2005, Považie Regional Gallery, Žilina

2004  4.Ateliér (4th Studio), Parnas Club, Bratislava


2009  2nd place in the competition 2009 Painting VUB Foundation Award

©2022 by Silvia Weisser editions

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