Matus Lanyi was born in 1981 in Slovakia. Since 2000 until 2007 he studied on Department of Fine Arts and Intermedia, Faculty of Arts at Technical University in Kosice in the Atelier of graphic and experimental creation (prof. Rudolf Sikore and Zbynek Prokop). He exhibitions were held in Slovakia, Czech Republic, USA, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and France.
He can develop Christian topics that are the starting point of European art with a certain detachment and with the help of understandable and contemporary visual language. He shifts the timeless ideas into new contexts and thus reflects on problems of the contemporary world. It could seem that his works incorporate irony and sarcasm as a criticism of religion or Catholic Church, Lanyi, however, as a religious person, does not want to shock in terms of a cheap effect, on the contrary, he brings a different perspective and offers spectators a space to meditate.

1981 Born in Slovakia
1996 – 2000 School of Applied Arts in Kosice, Slovakia
2000 – 2007 Department of Art Media and Intermedia, Faculty of Arts of the Technical University in Košice, Studio of Graphic and Experimental Work (lead by professor Rudolf Sikora and Zbyněk Prokop), Slovakia
solo exhibitions
2019 - Reliquary, 2233 AD, Synagogue, Spišské Podhradie | SK
2019 - CruciFICTION, EQO - (space for interactive culture), Spišský Hrhov | SK
2019 - Relics of operating systems, Nová vlna, Trenčín | SK
2018 - Turning wine into water, Schemnitz Gallery, Banská Štiavnica | SK
2017 - What would the Pope's Wife wear?, ATELIER XIII, Bratislava | SK
2017 - DNA Divine Nature Awakes, Think+Feel Contemporary, Clam-Gallas Palace, Praha, CZ
2016 - Hard Drives II., Sýpka Gallery, Valašské Meziříčí | CZ
2016 - Hard Drives, Synagogue, Spisske Podhradie | SK
2014 - Jerusalem House of Quality, Jeruzalem | IL
2014 - RED Gallery, London | UK
2013 - S.C. Elementum, Vojtech Löffler Museum, Košice | SK
2010 - New testament, East Slovak Gallery, Košice | SK
2010 - Skeleton, Ján Koniarek Gallery, Trnava | SK
2009 - Terra Scepusiensis Terra Christiana, Slovak National Museum, Levoča | SK
2009 - Narratives, sic! Raum für Kunst, Luzern | CH
2009 - Both Sides of the Coine, Galéria umenia, Nové zámky | SK
2007 - Transfiguration of Wine into Blood, SPACE Gallery, Bratislava | SK
2006 - Just believe it, IC culture Train, Košice | SK
group exhibitions
2019 - Interventions in time, Bojnice Castle, SNM-Muzeum Bojnice | SK
2019 - Non-everything / 4+4 days in motion, Desfourský palác, Prague | CZ
2019 - Techné / National Library of Technology Gallery, Prague | CZ
2019 - Artrooms / 4D Gallery, Hradby samoty, Kaštieľ Moravany nad Váhom | SK
2018 - Plus Minus, Liberec Gallery | CZ
2018 - Slovak National Uprising, Gallery Arcimboldo, Prague | CZ
2018 - Change of Water Into Wine, Schemnitz gallery, Banská Štiavnica, SK
2017 - PUZZLE, Galéria umelcov Spiša, Spišská Nová Ves | SK
2017 - SCOPE International Contemporary Art Show, Miami | FL, USA
2017 - Kosice Subway, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem | CZ
2016 - SCOPE International Contemporary Art Show, Miami | FL, USA
2016 - ART BOCA RATON, Miami | FL, USA
2016 - MACAYA GALLERY, Miami | FL, USA
2015 - SPECTRUM MIAMI, Miami | FL, USA
2015 - 167 250 EUR - 90 Bratislava City Gallery | SK
2014 - Tree of Life, Bratislava City Gallery | SK
2013 - Painting 2013, Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava | SK
2013 - Sacral Elementum, Gallery of Spiš Artists, Spišská Nová Ves | SK
2012 - Blood, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava | SK
2012 - Zero Years, Bratislava, Debrecýn | SK, HU
2010 - Crazy Curators Biennale III., Galéria SPACE, Bratislava | SK
2009 - Erased Walls, Freies Museum, Berlin | DE
2009 - National pills, Citylight Gallery, Košice, SK
2008 - Video Exchange, Galleria Valentina Moncada, Roma | IT
2008 - East of Eden, Karlin Studios, Prague | CZ
2008 - Interface, Make Up Gallery, Kasárne Kulturpark Košice, SK
2008 - Interface, Open Space - Zentrum für Kunstprojekte, Viedeň, AT
2007 - START POINT, Klatovy Gallery, Klenová | CZ
2007 - Make it up, AVU Gallery, Prague | CZ
2007 - East of Eden, SPACE Gallery, Bratislava | SK
2007 - Praque Biennale 3, Karlín hall, Prague } CZ
2007 - Portes D´Europe V., Musee d´Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne | FR